Keppel Sands State School is a small rural school located in the coastal township of Keppel Sands, near Rockhampton in Central Queensland. We are approximately 40 kilometres from Rockhampton and located on the Capricorn Coast.
Keppel Sands State School officially opened on the 27 October, 1903. Since opening, it has undergone a number of name changes and has been relocated three times. The school has been in its current location since the mid 1940’s.
School operations
The school is organised into two multiage classes with a teaching Principal, one part time Teacher and 2 Teacher Aides. We are also staffed with a full time buisness manager, part time cleaner and part time groundsman.
Staff members develop the school's educational programs in alignment with the Australian Curriculum.
At Keppel Sands State School we value each student as an individual learner and cater to all individual needs and learning styles.
The school delivers all eight Learning Areas of the Australia Curriculum (English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Technologies, The Arts, Health and Physical Education and Languages (Japanese).