At Keppel Sands State School, our key pedagogical approach
to teaching is Explicit Instruction. Students are taught the Australian
Curriculum and all individual needs are taken into consideration during content
delivery. Students understand what is being expected of them as the Explicit
Instruction model includes the ‘I Do’ ‘We Do’ and ‘You Do’ components which
allows students to build their knowledge throughout the 3 stages.
High expectations,
good behavior, fun and engaging lessons are the main components to our teaching
and learning here at Keppel Sands State School. Students are supported throughout
their entire learning journey and as we are a small school they receive
individualised support and attention.
Additional support is provided to those students who
are gifted and talented; have learning support needs or require support around social
and emotional well-being. Students with disabilities are catered for through
additional teacher aide allocations, modified learning programs (PLR/DDA), regional
office resources and modified classroom planning.